If you have driven your car for quite some time now, you must be thinking of buying a new one. Several concerns and questions may strike your mind when you think of buying a new car. The questions can range between which car to buy and when is the best time to buy it. It is essential to consider the right season to buy a car. It is because, in summer, you do not get the flexibility of the deals and discounts that you get in December or fall. It makes a lot of difference to your bank account and finances.
Whether you want to buy a used or a new car, the blog lists the best reasons to buy one in December. Let’s first discuss-
Usually, the best times to buy a car are March and September. It is because, during this time, the country launched new number plates with a substantial increase in the car’s sales. It is the reason September encounters the maximum sales. Around 2/3rd of the car sales happen during March-September.
If you want to buy a car without any financial constraints, this phase will be helpful to you. However, you must order a car a few weeks before the plate change thing. Buying during this period helps you qualify for discounts and affordable insurance covers.
Moreover, check the car loan interest rate if you want to finance the purchase. Here, you can buy a car on loan if you lack deposit money, or enough savings but want to benefit from the attractive discounts and rates. Explore the best and lowest interest rate possibilities according to your needs/budget. It is the best way to capitalise on the opportunity.
Most cars are sold in December. Though most car dealers provide affordable cars during the new registration period, they still have targets they must meet. It is the reason most dealers host discounts during December. Most dealership companies provide targets to employees to sell the most cars at the time of appraisals. It means you may spot whopping and unbelievable deals during December. It is the reason most online dealerships host the best campaigns to attract the customer’s eye.
Let’s explore other reasons to buy a car in December.
Along with twinkling trees and candy canes, Christmas and New Year bring you a gut of advertisements from car dealers. You may find amazing deals on SUVs, sedans, and even sports cars. It is the time when you can get a discount on even MSRP or Manufacture Suggested Retail Price. Here are more reasons to buy a car in December:
As it is already December, people are buying next year’s models. New car purchases mean trade-ins, and that increases the used car inventory, too. This time of the year sees the most sales of the New Year vehicles for a new ride.
Due to the year-end sales and discounts, people share incentives to trade in their vehicles. The combination increases supply and demand for the next year’s models. It means it could be easier to find a used vehicle. It also means that the prices of vehicles may be lower than in summer.
The market situation may vary from dealer to dealer and brand to brand, but the best ones are on petrol and diesel cars. While you may get the best deals on some electric cars, they may be few and hard to find. Moreover, companies struggle to hit targets according to government mandate sales targets. Consequently, they may face a fine of £15k on every vehicle they sell less. Thus, you may book a car in December and take it home in January if you want an electric vehicle.
Alternatively, getting deals for internal combustion vehicles can be challenging but easy to find. Though Diesel cars disappeared from the market in December, you may still find some with affordable rates.
After the festive period, most manufacturers, dealers, and other sellers raise the price of cars. With the New Year, every company looks to re-engage customers with new models and new prices. The basis of this is to maximise the quarter’s profits and sales.
Moreover, most companies launch press releases about their new products/models and achievements to capture the attention of the largest audience. Thus, if you believe you can buy a car at the price you saw in December, you may be wrong.
Individuals tend to recluse to their homes and prepare for Christmas and New Year celebrations rather than think about a car. However, if you find it hard to think about anything but the car, December is your month. Why? It is because due to engagement in festivities, most people find company in their homes.
They hardly think about buying a car; instead, they worry about New Year celebrations. Priorities are different. It is the reason many car-owning showrooms encounter low footfalls in December. Hence, you may take this as an opportunity to buy your favourite car at the best rates.
When car dealers are desperate to get rid of surplus inventory in December, they try to offload old car models. These are usually models that manufacturers do not deal in any more. For example, if a particular car sale slows down drastically, the manufacturers cease production.
Additionally, car dealers push the vehicle aside with a low price. However, consumers have few car buying advantages as the parts will no longer be available. A discontinued model will be apt if you want to buy a car as a fresher or a new driver.
You can finance the car at a lower price than what you usually pay. Next, you can change it to the latest one after a year or so. Thus, check legitimate loan companies in Ireland marketplace to get instant car loans for the old car models. Check the condition of the car before opting for one. It will help you avoid hefty bills later.
As you can see, December is a popular month to buy a car. Thus, capitalise on the opportunity by checking the best-rest rates and options to purchase it. If you lack money upfront, car loans can be a good option. It eliminates the hassle of paying the money upfront. Moreover, buying a car during December helps you fetch better insurance rates, low loan rates, and discounts. It thus enables you to win your dream of owning a car.