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Your Kids Need Emotional Support to Avoid Mental Health Issues
  • admin
  • November 13, 2021

Your Kids Need Emotional Support to Avoid Mental Health Issues

Parents spend their entire time taking care of the various needs of their children. They make their best efforts to provide a healthy environment for their development. However, we often ignore the importance of emotional support while focusing on physical health.

Mental health is a serious concern amongst teenagers trying to create a presence in the world. They face a lot of emotional troubles apart from the occasional failures to harm their mental health. Thus, it gets important for the parents to take care of their overall well-being to prevent serious conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Impact of Mental Health Issues on Children

To understand the severity of the situation, we must discuss the consequences of mental health issues. It may start with unusual behaviour at home, such as loss of appetite, sleep, or interest for a long duration. They may start to avoid the activities from their daily schedule for the same reason.

Their performance at school will suffer because of their mental health. You will notice a dip in their grades or subpar performance on the field. Moreover, they will avoid interaction with other kids because of the growing issues.

You should consult a professional before their condition results in serious consequences. Though, you should understand the abovementioned behavioural changes are common amongst growing kids. Take help from the professional even if it requires financial support from loan agencies in Ireland.

Tips to Provide Emotional Support to Children

Not every child is the same, but effective parenting strategies have a lot in common. You should spend some time learning from the experts and other parents to improve your methods. The following tips may help to provide emotional support for your child for a healthy environment.

1. Response in a Supportive Way

Many parents don’t consider the reason for the actions of their children before their reaction. They may have been going through some bad situation in the school or social circle to blame for their actions. You will only make the situation worse by punishing them instead of trying to understand their concerns.

Therefore, respond in a supportive way when the kid is displaying signs of emotional troubles. Do not make fun if the concern is too small or they might have made some stupid mistake. The support will help build trust to make them discuss the issues in detail.

2. Explain the Normal Reactions

Children don’t have the same experience as you to react in a certain manner to a situation. The chances of a proper reaction to the situation are very slim, be it physical or mental. It is okay to let them explore on their own to find the solutions for the minor problems.

However, it is your responsibility to offer help whenever they wrongly react. Show them the right reaction to certain situations while explaining their mistakes. It may help overcome the emotional troubles because of the incident in their life.

3. Listen to Them

You cannot understand the whole situation unless you listen to the children. A healthy environment at home involves parents paying attention to their children. You may ignore the important facts while trying to offer a solution to their problem.

Also, it will help to become empathetic towards their condition before jumping to a conclusion. You may understand the problem is more serious than your expectation and require professional help. Do not compromise with the treatment since you can cover the entire cost by taking out loans for the unemployed in Ireland.

4. Reassure Them

Safety is a major reason for the emotional troubles in children and teenagers. They are very easily threatened by the outside elements or the consequences of their actions. Thus, leading to a state of submission or a major emotional crisis.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to make them feel safe at home and outside. You should reassure them of their safety if something is intimidating them with mental or physical harm. It will help them communicate more clearly and handle the situation to get rid of the emotional distress.

5. Praise

Many parents believe the criticism will make the kids put more effort into their studies or other activities. It is true only if they are making mistakes and should improve on those aspects. But you should also praise them whenever they complete a goal.

More importantly, the praise should remain in the criticism as well to make them listen. The blunt criticism or ignorance often leads to the emotional unfulfillment of the children. Also, it will help them find the mistakes in their actions or efforts more clearly with a focus on your advice.

6. Create Opportunities and Activities

We need time to relax amid the stressful life for the benefit of our mental health. Similarly, your children need some time outside their school away from the emotional stress. You can create opportunities for them to manage the stress with some fun activities.

The idea of spending time should not remain limited to the couch of your living room. Take them outside on long drives, play sports, or eat at their favourite restaurant to refresh their mind. Also, it will help strengthen your bond to help them share the problems that may result in emotional distress.

7. Lead with an Example

You are the first teacher of your kid, and they will imitate your actions. It gets important to lead them with the right example from your behaviour at home. We often hide our feelings from our children and the response in the same manner.

Maintain a work-life balance to spend time with your family. It will help children learn the importance of emotional wellbeing over the constant struggle to outperform the competition. Also, avoid the constant fight with a spouse or other family members since it can immensely hurt their emotional wellbeing.


To sum up, mental health among children is a growing concern, especially after the pandemic restrictions. Parents need to make emotional wellbeing a priority instead of focusing on their physical health and academic records. The consequences are severe enough to take professional help whenever it seems like a requirement.

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